Fun facts in The Central's Community

Central knows your ip address

Fun Fact for the phobia meaning of the song in this mod:

Fun Fact time:

All right, fact time:

How to identify an alt of zaul barraca

1: make sure it spams sky x bf(ewww)

2: make sure it bothers @Sel499 and @DaRealMemeCentralLol

3: I forgor 💀

Thanks for reading this shit

Fun fact:

Central can only speak 2 languages: Vietnamese and English

But he's still trying to talk Greek and Russian (he knows the alphabet lmao)

Fun Facts about Alt Bloxian.ogg:

Meet Celly

He's Central's young cousin

He's older than Wisdom 2 years old (which means wisdom is 8 and celly is 10)

He's also called "Fun Sized Central"

More sense that Willow and Wisdom have the same horny level

Fun facts about Sally

Fun fact about Willow

Willow is a genderbend of Wisdom

Willow is Centralina's step sister

Willow sometimes is cringe

Willow gj username is @WillowTheUwuGirl